Crushing It Big On Instagram Sales: 5 Big Secrets

July 11, 2019 Liezel Stephanie Lawagan
Crushing It Big On Instagram Sales: 5 Big Secrets

Instagram provides one of the best platforms for consumers to experience a brand’s products and services without ever seeing or touching them in person. Aside from visual appeal, Instagram allows brands to tell their story in a unique and compelling way that earns trust, creates community, and gains loyalty from their audience.

Like all other marketing avenues, Instagram marketing also gives high value to your audience. Taking the time to know them would help you understand their needs and wants. And in turn, this will help you establish trust and emotional connection with them.

According to the Social Media Examiner, that trust you earn is a vital part of your marketing equation. Simply add that to good content and ease of purchase and the sales will come flowing in. However, jumpstarting your Instagram marketing won’t be as simple as taking a picture and posting it on the platform. There’s a lot of thought that needs to go into it. To make your Instagram marketing successful, you need a strategy. So here are some tips to make your brand Instagram shopper-friendly and to get the most out of the platform:

1. Create an Appealing Storefront Instagram Profile

Like a physical shop, you need an appealing storefront to draw costumers in. And on Instagram, that is your profile. It’s the first thing potential customers see when they check out your brand. And on that first profile glance, you already need to convince them to keep browsing through your shop.

Your bio is one great place to start. You can head it off with a warm welcome or an enticing offer like a sale. Then, you can proceed with a call to action. Adding a phone number or a direct link to your page is also helpful so interested customers can immediately get in touch with you. It should both serve to welcome new and old customers alike and hold their interest.

Together with your bio, you can take advantage of Instagram’s highlight albums. There, you can feature an inside glance at your brand. And you can show off your products, offers, specials, and more. Think of the things that catch your eye in your favorite shops and draw inspiration from those. Then make sure to keep your album covers simple but eyecatching enough to draw the customers attention to them.

2. Brand Your Instagram Presence

Creating an appealing Instagram profile is already a great eye-catcher. But, to bring everything together, you have to brand your Instagram profile and posts. This sends out a consistent brand message and helps you stand out in the market further boosting your Instagram presence.

One way to do this is to have a brand color scheme. You can base it off your logo or find a color scheme that works well with your overall aesthetic. You can incorporate these into your posts and album covers. With regard to your posts, you can develop a signature style that can help people distinguish you further from your competitors. Remember, Instagram is a visual platform. One unique photo can already draw curious browsers to your profile. It’s worth taking the time to plan out how your feed will go even the style of the captions to really set yourself apart.

Another way to set your brand out there is to choose the right hashtags. Put together a list of popular hashtags related to your brand. But, choose the ones that aren’t overly saturated. Appeal to a smaller and more concentrated audience to get your Instagram going. Then, incorporate brand hashtags. These will help you build company awareness and recognition. Once your brand starts gaining recognition, these hashtags will gain momentum and help you create your own niche.

3. Generate Relatable and Appealing Instagram Content

Aside from creating eyecatching visuals, you also need to think about how it would connect to your audience. You only have a few seconds to catch their eye and maybe only a few posts to gain their sincere interest. And your best tools for this are your content and your reputation.

Aside from your products, you can also highlight your brand philosophies, passions, and inspirations. If you’re passionate about a cleaner environment, for example, you can craft posts around the topic all the while finding a way to include your products. People who stand for the same thing can easily relate to you and would increase their openness to building a relationship with your brand.

In relation to that, it would also help a lot to be open about your gratitude to your brand advocates. Reposting is one great way to do this. Not only are you sharing your gratitude but, you’re also sharing endorsement for your products. You can also support and offer perks and benefits to encourage advocates to embrace and represent your brand.

It also helps to keep a friendly tone in your captions making you personable and approachable. Things like emojis and light-hearted questions can make readers comfortable with your brand. Insta-stories, photos, videos, and GIFs of people using your products can also further entice them and increases your chances of making a sale.

4. Make a Convenient Shopping Experience on Instagram

If the purchasing process is too complicated, customers lose interest. And there’s a lot of ways you can avoid that on Instagram. One of the easiest and most convenient ways to do that is to add your contact information to your bio. Or you could also drop it in your captions for every product post. Make it easy for your customers to get their queries answered. And make them feel confident that you’ll be there whenever they need you.

The other best way is to tag your products in your posts. This gives your customers a convenient way to access your product’s prices and details without needing to circle back to your bio or your website. You can do this by adding your products to Instagram through a shopping cart of your choice. But, you have to set up and be approved for Instagram shopping first.

5. Take Advantage of Instagram’s Promotion Tools

Once you have your content strategy in place, the only thing you’ll need is promotions. Luckily, Instagram has a direct line to advertise your brand. To promote your posts, go to your profile and click on “Promotions.” Choose “Create Promotions” and pick out the posts you want to promote then choose where you want to promote them i.e. your website, profile, or direct messages. Afterward, you can specify your target audience or let Instagram do it for you. And lastly, you have to set your budget and the duration of the ad. A little research on this area goes a long way to get great engagement numbers.

Instagram marketing can help your brand reach new heights. And it gives you numerous opportunities to turn a simple Instagram follower into a loyal customer. All you have to remember is to treat it like you would an actual shop. Create good content, connect with your audience, and bring what’s unique to you to the table. Then, you can bring your A-game to the Instagram market.

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