Why Does Facebook Ban an Ad Account? Here Are Some Reasons.

pencil erasing lines on an iPhone screen showing the Facebook logo

Facebook advertising is one of the most efficient and effective digital advertising products out there. Since more than 22% of the global population uses Facebook daily, brands get more visibility for their content and boost traffic to their website through Facebook ads. But if you’re a marketer, running Facebook ads comes with the risk of…

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Is iOS 14.5 the End of the Line for Facebook Advertising?

a screenshot of how a user decides to control facebook advertising on iOS 14.5

Should you be concerned about Apple’s iOS 14.5 update? Is it the end of the line for your precious targeted ads? The new update for iPhone and iPad has sent Facebook on an ongoing war with Apple’s privacy-focused update that intends to make the user in control of what information their device shares to various…

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