How to Start a Podcast for Business

A woman recording a podcast in a studio

Having your own podcast is one of the best ways to reach out and send your message to the world. Podcasts are very dynamic and offer a different experience for you and your customers. It may be what’s missing from your bag of tricks, too. If you are considering making one, you’ll find that this…

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Using Social Listening to Power Up Your Brand Marketing

Man performing social listening research on a laptop in an urban office

It’s no secret that social media is the ultimate tool for brand marketing. Everyone’s made the jump to it and has been using it rather extensively. Convenience, audience reach, flexibility, you name it—there are so many reasons for you to have social media in your bag of tricks. However, knowing what strategies to employ is…

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How to Plan Your Social Media Content & Execute It Cleanly

an editor planning out social media content

Content is key to your social media campaign. Each platform favors different types of content, and the best ones resonate with people because of how they appeal to your target audience. However, you might be thinking that creating social media content is an intimidating task to take on. Social media content creation does indeed take…

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Working With Content Creators: 5 Things You Need to Know

a female content creator working in an office and making videos.

Content creators are hot right now, and they’re getting a lot hotter by the day. These days, people are getting tired of content that merely exists for contents’ sake. They spend a few minutes watching, reading, but then what? Now, people are looking for content that is “useful”—those that either educate or entertain. From fitness…

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6 Groundbreaking Tips for Powerful Content Creation

the screen of a computer showing a cover image being created in Canva for a content creation podcast

Those who aren’t familiar with the content creation process think that content creation is simply thinking up ideas, writing them down, and clicking ‘publish.’ But if your job day in day out is to spin ideas and analytics insights into high-performing content, you know that this is no easy feat. A lot more has to…

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