Top Social Media Marketing Trends for 2022 According to Experts

3D meta logo against a purple background

In 2021, social media has gone through challenges and transformations that resulted in new features and changes in algorithms. As this evolution unfolds, marketers should be quick to know about the social media marketing trends to stay ahead of the game in their marketing strategies. Read on and discover these game-changing social media trends and…

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Boost your 2022 Social Media Strategy with these Steps

a mobile phone showing different social media platforms

New Year’s resolutions? Nah. It’s the new year, a new social media strategy for marketers.  2020 and 2021 have forced marketers to be more innovative, resourceful, and creative with their marketing strategies. The times called for it, and they were an immediate need in those moments. While that proved helpful for many businesses, it also…

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Why Does Facebook Ban an Ad Account? Here Are Some Reasons.

pencil erasing lines on an iPhone screen showing the Facebook logo

Facebook advertising is one of the most efficient and effective digital advertising products out there. Since more than 22% of the global population uses Facebook daily, brands get more visibility for their content and boost traffic to their website through Facebook ads. But if you’re a marketer, running Facebook ads comes with the risk of…

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Using Social Listening to Power Up Your Brand Marketing

Man performing social listening research on a laptop in an urban office

It’s no secret that social media is the ultimate tool for brand marketing. Everyone’s made the jump to it and has been using it rather extensively. Convenience, audience reach, flexibility, you name it—there are so many reasons for you to have social media in your bag of tricks. However, knowing what strategies to employ is…

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Want to Make Money on TikTok? Here’s How!

a 3d version of tiktok's logo in dark mode style

TikTok is the 7th most-used social platform worldwide, with over 800 million active users according to Statista. Since its release, it has been downloaded more than 1.5 billion times from the app store, with users spending more than 850 minutes per month on the app. The numbers clearly show just how fast the platform is…

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How to Plan Your Social Media Content & Execute It Cleanly

an editor planning out social media content

Content is key to your social media campaign. Each platform favors different types of content, and the best ones resonate with people because of how they appeal to your target audience. However, you might be thinking that creating social media content is an intimidating task to take on. Social media content creation does indeed take…

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What’s the Best Type of Social Media Content for Businesses?

a social media content creator on their phone during a video shoot break

Social media is undeniably an excellent tool for businesses. It completely changed customer interactions. Further reach allows brands to promote their products and services to more people. However, reaching more people does not automatically mean that they would become customers. You must convince them to become patrons. Knowing the best type of social media content…

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What the Hell is Instagram Reels?

instagram logo in 3D form against a pink background

Social Media has evolved from the simple platform for meeting people into what it is today. These social media platforms undergo changes as fast as possible to integrate new, exciting, engaging features. In particular, Instagram has something new called reels. Now, you’re probably thinking that sooner or later EVERY platform will have something like this…

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