Working At Home: What You Need To Know

May 29, 2018 Linkage Interns

Working is not always smooth. There are some challenges and circumstances you need to face, especially when you decide to stick to working at home. But once you overcome these challenges, working at home will be fun and exciting! And if you really want to be successful in your work at home, you must put in mind that some advantages and disadvantages are waiting for you.

What’s in it for you if you work at home?

1. More time for family

Spending time with the family is probably the most precious thing in anyone’s life. This is also the most important advantage of working at home. You can easily balance your time for your family and work, and you feel secure too.

2. Less Stress

Working at home means avoiding traffic jams and even unfriendly co-workers entirely. These stressors will help you become a healthier person which is necessary for any work or job that you are doing. Remember, your body needs to function before you will be able to think and act logically and practically.

3. Productivity

With less stress and more time with the family, you can be more productive while working at home. Your family can become your inspiration, and your healthy body will help you do your task in a more relaxed and happier way.

4. Flexibility

Working at home means you can decide what time you’ll start and what time you’ll end. There will be less pressure on you, and you can choose on your own based on your strategies too. You will also save money since you won’t think about transportation cost and even formal or semi-formal attires anymore. Your office can be any kind, and it could be anywhere in your house as well.

The challenges of working at home

1. Distractions

While you have more time with your family, there’s also a significant probability that you will be distracted from your work. There will come a time where you will not know how to balance your time anymore. Your parents and siblings might need you, and your work demands time from you too.

2. Need for high self-discipline

Working at home requires effort, time, and dedication. So you will never become successful if you don’t have high self-discipline. You might wake up very late because there’s no imposed rules and regulations to follow. You will not be productive if you do this way.

3. Limited Social Interactions

You have no co-workers when you work at home, so there’s a high chance for you to miss out on the camaraderie that comes from working with others day by day.

Working at home is great. You just need to do your best and be consistent with your hours. You should also act like you are at the office or outside your home. If you do this, you stand a good chance of actually being productive. And if you are being productive, there’s no doubt that you will become successful! — Apple Numbanal, SLU

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