Social Media Marketing is the Only Way to Go

a social media marketing manager working on a laptop

If you don’t believe in what the title of this article says, then it’s no wonder you’re struggling with getting your business out into the wild. While traditional advertising and marketing have their own merits, social media marketing is the only way to go, especially when everyone has to limit time spent outside of their…

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How COVID-19 Changed the Online Entertainment Landscape

An event streamed as online entertainment during the COVID-19 pandemic

There’s no better time to appreciate the internet in all its glory than this year. Due to the current situation brought about by the pandemic, business establishments all over the world that rely much on face-to-face interactions and walk-in visits had no other choice but to close their doors to thousands of their customers. They…

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Social Media Retail Techniques to Win More Customers

the instagram loading screen on a Samsung Galaxy phone

If there’s one thing that Social Media holds, it’s the power to share information with anyone anywhere in the world. With millions, if not billions of people on multiple platforms, no one can miss the barrage of information. Thus, it has become an essential tool for people young and old to express opinions, facts, likes,…

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Making Unsplash Work For Your Visual Marketing Strategy

a visual marketing strategy draft in drawing form

A well-written article without the right visual to support it is like eating a burger without the meat. Sure, you’ve got the veggies and the crazy delicious sauce to go with it, but without the meat, it couldn’t even be called a burger. While it’s not the best analogy, it’s the best way to describe…

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5 Ways to Breathe New Life to Your Business Blog

how to breathe new life to your business blog

One thing that is inevitable in the online world is change. Information online has gone from merely sharing photos to simple updates about what’s on your mind. These eventually turned into full-blown blog sites and then vlogs for personal and business use. Since then, users and business owners alike have used these to further gain…

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