How To Make Sure Video Content Will Work Wonders for a Campaign

How To Make Sure Video Content Will Work Wonders for a Campaign

Undeniably, whether it be on social media or other online platforms, the use of video is booming! There’s been such a massive influx of videos that it’s now threatening to take over the majority of consumer traffic in the coming years according to many surveys. Videos deliver information quickly and efficiently while still keeping the…

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Vlogging & Business: Which is the Right Video Platform for You?

Vlogging & Business: Which is the Right Video Platform for You

In this digital age, there is a fine line between personal and public media presence and online marketing. Media platforms have revolutionized the way we look at advertising, whether it’s product/service promotion or self-promotion. Anyone can get anything out there, often left unnoticed. But with the presence of YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Vimeo, and any site…

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Beating The Dread of a Creative Block

A creative block is hell’s custom-made gifts to the creatives. You wake up one day, and your brain decides to quit and shut down without notice. And no matter what you eat, drink, or do, it still feels like you’re hitting the same broken switch over and over again. And we all know that it…

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Why Kindness Isn’t Just a Trait, But a Business Practice Too!

Strangely, the statement “nice guys finish last” seemed to have become a mantra to achieve the ultimate work trait model that would lead a business to success. Many see kindness as a weakness they’d prefer to cut off and replace with a string of balloons labeled with persistence, determination, firmness and the like. What they…

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