Facebook Monthly Users Hit 2 Billion Milestone

Facebook Monthly Users Hit 2 Billion Milestone

Facebook has come a long way since Mark Zuckerberg launched the social media platform from his college dorm room in 2004. The online giant’s growth is astonishing – unprecedented even. It took only eight years for Facebook to reach its first milestone of 1 billion active monthly users in 2012. And now, just five short…

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How To Take Advantage Of Online Real Estate

Online Real Estate

Digital Marketing has finally reached the strategies of Real Estate. If you want to win in the game of property selling, you need the greatest map with you– and you can find this on your computer screens. Before your competition overrides you and steals the show, you better get yourself out there. With the right…

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Your SEO Strategy VS Search Engine Algorithms

SEO Strategy VS Search Engine Algorithms

In the digital world, it never good to stay complacent. Especially when search engines are switching up their algorithms every now and then. One of the popular search engines, Google, for example, releases algorithm updates that can make or break your search engine optimization strategies in an instant if you don’t keep up. 

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A Three-Step Social Media Marketing Plan To Boost Your Small Business

social media marketing

Businesses with an active online presence experience faster growth than businesses without. With almost one-third of the world’s population regularly on social media, you can see how much of an impact Instagram or Facebook can have on a business’ advertising campaign. And why it’s so important to mine these platforms to boost your message, grow…

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5 Principles To Learn From Jeff Bullas On Digital Marketing

digital marketing, Jeff Bullas

Digital Marketing is often misunderstood by entrepreneurs who want things fast-paced. Paid ads get ‘faster’ results, after all. This common misconception leads to a lot of missed steps to building the pillars of your marketing success. Thankfully, Jeff Bullas has shared his wisdom in operating marketing strategies in the Digital world.

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How LinkedIn Can Influence Your Digital Marketing

With almost everyone having a digital profile, social networks become the perfect platform when it comes to influencing a large number of audience. Twitter and Facebook are one of the most popular social media giants with numerous active users. Because of this, businesses tend to advertise on networks like these as part of their digital…

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Why Influencer Marketing Can Enhance Your Digital Marketing Campaign

influencer marketing

Naturally, the way consumers choose to engage with online content is constantly changing and evolving. What worked in the past may be considered outdated, stale, or simply ineffective now. Consider pop-up ads, for example. Only several years ago they were considered an effective way to engage and convert customers. Now, however, most people use ad…

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Mobile Advertising Is The New Global Trend

Iloilo, Iloilo Social Media Management

It’s not hard to see the signs– almost every person you see has a mobile device there somewhere. And if it’s not obvious enough, this is THE next thing advertisers will have to befriend since it’s the fastest and most efficient way to reach end users of this age. KCPB predicts that Internet Ad revenues…

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