5 Important Things that Every Website Should Have


A lot of businesses don’t recognize just how important a website is in developing their marketing strategy. It is important to ensure that all the necessary elements are included into any website design before it is released for the first time. If you’re thinking of getting a website redesign or asking how to generate more…

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5 Common Website Mistakes You Should Definitely Avoid

In today’s world, an online presence is necessary if you want to be able to create a strong brand, attract new customers and retain those you already have. There are currently over a billion of websites right now, with hundreds of websites being built almost every day. Having a website that will stand out from…

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3 Good Reasons Why You Should Revamp Your Website

3 Good Reasons Why You Should Revamp Your Website

These days, your audience’s first impression of your business is based solely on your website, so revamping your website isn’t a task to take lightly on. Keeping your website up-to-date is a major step as having a website in the first place. It requires lots of time and potentially money. However, it’s important to note…

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The Value of Having a Powerful Visual Design Strategy

The Value of Having a Powerful Visual Design Strategy

The idea that visual design strategy could be far more important than usability is quite an argument. But it shouldn’t surprise us. A design has the unique ability to enhance practically every element of your marketing, content, and customer experience. Humans are attracted to certain things that look aesthetically pleasing, with several studies showing that…

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Why Every Business Must Have a Mobile-Friendly Website

Nowadays, people everywhere are increasingly accessing the internet on many different devices. No longer is it safe to say that someone who visits your website will always be using a desktop or a laptop. There is a pretty good chance that users will be using a tablet or a mobile phone. If you don’t have…

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Incredibly Useful Website Checklist for Beginners

Website Design for Beginners

Building a website is apparently the first step towards setting up a business online. Technically, this is one of the most important things you need as the success or failure of your business depends on it. However, developing and designing a website is not that easy and involves quite a complicated process that needs a…

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A Simple Color Guide for A Visually Appealing Website

Color in design is very subjective. A reaction in one person may be a much different response to another. Sometimes this may be due to personal preference or its cultural background. You just have to use it in the right way, at the right time, for the right purpose and the right audience. Choosing the…

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