How Does Social Media Affect SEO Rankings?

Social media is a very powerful tool and can drive massive amounts of traffic and sales to your website. However, the impact of social media on SEO has, and probably always will be, one of the most talked about topics in the marketing industry. Specifically, whether social media can really help boost your SEO efforts.…

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5 Steps to Strategically Target Potential Customers


One of the biggest challenges that a lot of marketers face is getting the word out to those people who are most likely to become potential customers. In fact, the primary goal of all marketing is to get the right message at the right time to the right person. And as marketers, we always make…

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SEO & SEM: Which Marketing Tactic is Better?


As the marketing world has evolved, so has the language that marketers use. In fact, we as marketers are probably confused with a lot of terms and often leave our clients confused. An example of this is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM), which are often used interchangeably without the clear understanding…

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Marketing Trends that Are Still Increasingly Popular


Marketing is like fashion. There’s always a new trend going on. However, marketing trends tend to last longer than expected, unlike fashion. Because of this, it’s important for a lot of marketers to stay updated with the current trends in their industry. A lot of businesses are now doubling down on doing content marketing, personalizing…

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How to Bring In More Customers to Your Website

website traffic

A great challenge faced by a lot of business owners is the lack of website traffic. Obviously, if your website isn’t getting enough traffic, then you’re not generating any sales. And what’s worse is that without any traffic, you can’t test out the key elements of your business And if you started with a marketing…

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3 Popular Types of Web Design Layouts

mobile UI

A layout can be both one of the simplest and one of the trickiest aspects of web design. Every web design layout has some uniqueness and purpose to it. Understanding the underlying purpose of different layout could help you achieve a fantastic web design for your business. However, as the design has taken a greater…

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The Importance of Using Marketing Automation

merketing auto

Marketing automation is a must-have tool for every modern marketing team. But, even though you may have heard this fact already or read about it, many marketers are still questioning its importance. What precisely is marketing automation and why does your business need it? Well, marketing automation is indeed evolving to be one of the…

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Killer Ways to Get Your Blog Noticed


Publishing a blog and getting it noticed is every blogger’s dream. There’s nothing more stressful, more dream-crushing than creating a blog that you know is really good, but no one actually knows about it. You put every possible strategy that you can get your hands on, you create your best quality content, you promote your…

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Why a Strong Brand Identity is So Important for Your Business

strong brand

A brand identity is more than just placing a logo. In fact, it’s an essential way to differentiate yourself from the competition. However, building and maintaining a strong brand identity is not an easy task. In some companies, the hardest part is gaining a strong commitment from their valued customers. For those that do, the…

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5 Important Things that Every Website Should Have


A lot of businesses don’t recognize just how important a website is in developing their marketing strategy. It is important to ensure that all the necessary elements are included into any website design before it is released for the first time. If you’re thinking of getting a website redesign or asking how to generate more…

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