10 Tips On How To Do an Effective Google Search

Google is the most widely used web-based search engine since the launching the company in 1988.  Millions of users around the world look perform a Google Search in their everyday lives for different reasons. Students use it to do research and assignments while others use it for business. These are the main cytomel weight loss…

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Is Pay Per Click (PPC) Worth the Money?

Many businesses, especially start-ups, often fear the word “pay” in pay-per-click advertising. This fear can derive from an unfortunate experience, the idea of losing money, or sometimes the result of attempting PPC without the help of an expert. A lot of small business owners underestimate the benefits of PPC, and as a result, they are…

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How Does Social Media Affect SEO Rankings?

Social media is a very powerful tool and can drive massive amounts of traffic and sales to your website. However, the impact of social media on SEO has, and probably always will be, one of the most talked about topics in the marketing industry. Specifically, whether social media can really help boost your SEO efforts.…

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SEO & SEM: Which Marketing Tactic is Better?


As the marketing world has evolved, so has the language that marketers use. In fact, we as marketers are probably confused with a lot of terms and often leave our clients confused. An example of this is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM), which are often used interchangeably without the clear understanding…

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How to Bring In More Customers to Your Website

website traffic

A great challenge faced by a lot of business owners is the lack of website traffic. Obviously, if your website isn’t getting enough traffic, then you’re not generating any sales. And what’s worse is that without any traffic, you can’t test out the key elements of your business And if you started with a marketing…

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SEO Vs PPC: Which is a Better Approach?


When it comes to boosting traffic to your website, you have two basic options to choose from. One is pay per click advertising, and the other is search engine optimization. There is a lot of arguments out there. SEO companies are telling us that SEO is a better choice and PPC agencies declaring that PPC…

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