Instagram Stories 101: Curating The Perfect Story

Instagram improved so much after its launch in 2010. Since then, the social media application grew to be one of the most-used apps worldwide. One of its significant upgrades is the Instagram Stories. Although fans of rival social media app Snapchat alleged Instagram of ripping off the feature, Instagram still earned a lot of its…

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VERO: 5 Things You Need to Know About the New Social Media App

In the past week, a “sketchy” social media app climbed up Apple Store and Google Play’s charts. VERO, which means “Truth” in Latin, was designed by Lebanese billionaire Ayman Hariri. The app aims to mimic real-life interactions between people that the company claims to be a “failure” in today’s top social media apps like Facebook,…

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The Growth of Online Advertising

With so many new advertising trends surfacing each month, it is quite difficult to know which one would be best. The rise in the use of mobile technology has led digital advertising to continue ruling in all fields than compared to traditional media. But this shouldn’t come as a surprise. Marketing has always played an…

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How Does Social Media Affect SEO Rankings?

Social media is a very powerful tool and can drive massive amounts of traffic and sales to your website. However, the impact of social media on SEO has, and probably always will be, one of the most talked about topics in the marketing industry. Specifically, whether social media can really help boost your SEO efforts.…

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